Youth and Sports

i. Ensure timely payment of retirement benefits for all pensioned senior citizens and create poverty safety net for all aged citizens above the age of 65.
ii. The most serious threat to our collective well-being is the crisis of our youth. An estimated 70% of our population of 170 million is under the age of 40years. With 29 Universities, 18 million children in Primary Schools. 25,000 graduates emerging from various Universities, albeit poorly trained, but graduates all the same, we face a serious challenge because the jobs are not there for these young persons. We see our greatest asset as a nation, not the oil and gas or the solid minerals but this massive human capital currently unutilized, living in pain and penury with no hope in sight and no dream of a bright future soon to come. In changing their situation and enhancing their opportunities, we hasten our general growth and development. If we fail we must then await the inevitable chaos and attendant anarchy.
iii. APC will provide opportunities for our youths to realize, harness, and develop their full potentials and facilitate the emergence of a new generation of citizens committed to the sustenance of good governance and service to the people and the country.
iv. Establish world class sports academy and training institutes and ensure that Nigeria occupies a pride of place in global sports and athletics.
v. Review the Nigerian football league and put incentives in place to make it as competitive as other national leagues.
vi. Mandate schools and communities to create playgrounds/sports centers with needed equipment to develop skills, and return to the era of interschool sports competitions for the early harvest of talents.
vii. Assist Nollywood to fully develop into a world class industry that can compete effectively with Hollywood and Bollywood in due course.
Disclaimer: All information provided here were extracted or inferred from documents available to us. We do not ascertain the accuracy of any of the provided details. It is left to the candidate to claim the profile and properly update it as required
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