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- Rationalize Health Care Delivery through conscious efforts to enhance primary Health Care facilities across Nigeria and reduce costs and unnecessary pressure on secondary/tertiary Health Care facilities.
- Prioritize the reduction of infant mortality rate by 2019 to 3%, reduce material mortality by more than 70%, reduce HIV/AIDS infection rate by 50% and other infectious disease by 75%, improve life expectancy by additional 10 years on average through our national healthy living program.
- Increase the number of physicians from 19 per 1000 population to 50 per 1000; increase national health expenditure per person per annum to about N50,000 (from less than N10,000 currently).
- Increase the quality of all Federal Government owned hospitals to world class standard within five years.
- Invest in cutting edge technology such as tele-medicine in all major health centers in the country through active investment and partnership programmes with the private sector.
- Provide free ante-natal care for pregnant women, free health care for babies and children up to school going age and for the aged and free treatment for those afflicted with infectious disease such as tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.
- Boost the local manufacture of 70 percent of pharmaceuticals and make drugs for HIV/AIDS available.
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