
We of the Young Progressive Party avow our trust in the supremacy of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, its relevant provisions and the sovereignty of the Nigerian people. As a political party, we shall obey its rules as outlined in its provisions.
We shall remain strongly committed to:
(1) Democracy and good governance;
(2) Freedom, human rights and human dignity;
(3) Justice, equity, provision of basic services, the rule of law and Sustainable development; and (4) Integrity and transparency in the conduct of public affairs
Faced with the tragic consequences of poverty and underdevelopment, our mission is to qualitatively transform the Nigeria economy and society. Therefore, we shall tirelessly work for:
(a) The enthronement of the Nigerian citizen as the prime resource of Nigeria, and the creation of a dynamic economy designed to serve the people's interest, and in which market forces are combined with the forces of partnership, solidarity and cooperation to create and produce goods and services for the benefit of all;
(b) The establishment of free and democratic society, in which the powers and actions of Government are lawful, and where those in authority are held accountable to the people;
(c) Building a just society, which provides basic needs, ensures equal opportunities for self-development through education and gainful employment; defends the dignity of the human person; judges its strength by the condition of the weak; provides security against fear; and delivers the masses from the tyranny of abject poverty, oppression and abuse of power;
(d) Sustained implementation of people-oriented programmes with particular emphasis on:
(i) War Against Poverty
(ii) Integrated rural development
(iii) Rapid Industrial Growth
(iv) Excellence in Education, Science and Technology
(v) Rebuilding and Expanding Basic Infrastructure and services.
OBJECTIVES The Party shall be committed:
a. To the principle of participatory democracy that lays emphasis on the welfare of our people
b. To the principles of social justice and the equality of opportunities for all citizens
c. To promote and defend the Nigerian Federal system of government
d. To the principles of public accountability in order to restore confidence in the institutions of government; discipline and leadership by example as a basis of public life, and personal integrity as an important moral value in the conduct of public affairs.
e. To ensuring that those put in positions of power, including the president, will regard themselves as holding such power in trust for the people.
f. To fostering the spirit of oneness among our people by treating all Nigerians fairly and equitably, regardless of their social, political or economic status.
g. To the preservation of Nigeria as a secular state whilst 1 guaranteeing freedom of religion and conscience.
STRATEGY Our strategies for achieving the above objectives shall include:
a. Participating fully in free and fair electoral processes:
b. Upholding the sanctity of elections and the supremacy of the will of the people:
c. Being responsive to public opinion
d. Operating the politics of inclusion by accommodating people of diverse opinions and political persuasions in governance;
e. Providing honest and transparent governance in the country while in power;
f. Supporting and accepting peaceful changes in government through the electoral process;
g. Respecting and defending the democratic institutions in the country.
The political objectives of Young Progressive Party are as follows:
a. To seek political power for the sole purpose of delivering good service and promoting the security, safety and welfare of all Nigerians.
b. To promote political stability in Nigeria and foster national integration and unity.
c. To promote good governance and set a pattern of political management which encourages probity and emphasizes participatory democracy.
d. To guarantee the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all citizens and persons resident in Nigeria.
e. To introduce young, fresh, creative and enterprising minds to governance, and also promote and nurture democratic ideals and traditions on a sustainable basis.
f. To provide the political environment that is conducive to economic growth and national development through private initiative and free enterprise.
g. To afford equal opportunities to hold the highest political, military, bureaucratic and judicial offices in the country to all citizens.
h. To protect, defend and safeguard the interests of the minorities.
STRATEGY The Party shall:
a. Endeavour to seek political power by sponsoring its members for elective and appointive political offices in healthy, fair and free competitions devoid of sentiments.
b. Be magnanimous in victory and gallant in defeat; and reject the politics of winners takes all and losers lose all;
c. Establish a code of conduct on public affairs for all its members, particularly public office holders and enforce the code through clearly defined sanctions; and
d. Encourage the mass participation of Nigerians in the management of their public affairs.
A. The YPP believes in the perpetual unity of Nigeria under the federal system of government. It shall therefore, continuously promote political tolerance, accommodation and compromise, religious harmony, as well as inter-ethnic and intra-ethnic accommodation and co-operation.
B. The party shall also promote geo-political balancing as a fundamental principle of power-sharing in the country
C. The party shall uphold the principle of power shift in our party at all levels
STRATEGY The YPP in government shall:
a. Apply the zoning and rotational principles in the sharing of political power at all levels of government and within the party;
b. Operate the federal-character principle in a just and equitable manner;
c. Involve all interest group in the running of its government; and
d. Pursue programmes that shall guarantee the socio-political and economic rights of all Nigerians.
Disclaimer: All information provided here were extracted or inferred from documents available to us. We do not ascertain the accuracy of any of the provided details. It is left to the candidate to claim the profile and properly update it as required
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