Youth and Sports

Sport development is an integral part of our national economic strategic focus, not only because it is a sector for massive job creation, but also it is a veritable tool for uniting our people…
Sports activities are major sources of recreation and, therefore, have the potential to excite and unite people. For our heterogeneous country with diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, it has demonstrably proved over and over again that our sporting heroes are detribalized individuals.
Sports are also big foreign exchange earners for any country that grooms its youths and projects them into international stardom. Countries that host international sporting events make money by promoting tourism, local businesses and sustainable employment for their people. However, in Nigeria, this sector is faced with series of challenges including inadequate harnessing of opportunities present in sports, inadequate attention to minority sport, underfunding, politicization and poor management.
Policy Objectives
The limitless opportunities in sports will be harnessed through scientific investigations for new sports, while popular ones will be encouraged for optimal youth participation. Sports will be promoted as a mechanism for foreign policy initiative and a commercial venture, rather than mere social activities.
What We Will Do
We shall:
a. Improve sporting facilities in all the states of the country by elevating them to international standard, with a sustainable maintenance culture put in place.
b. Diversify into the promotion of minority sports to give Nigeria a better chance of winning international laurels, while not deemphasizing the popularity of football in Nigeria.
c. Encourage the sport sector as a job and wealth creation platform by making sports a private-sector driven aspect of the economy.
d. Improve the bi-annual National Sports Festival for all states to participate and showcase their talents.
e. Upgrade six sporting centres in partnership with private organizations, and the cooperation of interested states, in hopes of hosting world sporting festivals in various games.
f. Promote sport as a mechanism for national unity and foreign policy initiative.
g. Encourage funding for sports club promotion.
h. Support and promote school inter-house sports with a “catch them young” philosophy, by making inter-house sports mandatory and strategically promoting inter-school sports events.
i. Regulate as a requirement specified sports facilities in primary and secondary schools.
j. Partner with the private sector to open sports academies for persons with disabilities that will operate across the regions to increase viability of our citizens to participate in para-Olympics, special Olympics, and similar engagements.
Disclaimer: All information provided here were extracted or inferred from documents available to us. We do not ascertain the accuracy of any of the provided details. It is left to the candidate to claim the profile and properly update it as required
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